Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Workdesk Wednesday

Better than Mammogram Monday, it's Workdesk Wednesday brought to us by the lovely Julia Dunnit. What is Workdesk Wednesday you ask (because you dare not inquire about Mammogram Monday)?  It is the time when a bunch of crafty and noisy people share what's on their workspace.  The mere thought of that brings horror to some, but not to us!
Left Side
I was lazy and didn't pick anything up this past weekend.  I didn't craft much either so the mess is at a minimum.  We have the usual assortment of pens, letters, and miscellaneous papers.  There is a stamp set, a rejected image, a magazine, my crafting glasses and a couple of die sets (upside down).
Right Side
The side has a naughty container of flowers that keeps popping open and strewing flowers everywhere, a tablet of Halloween paper, a stash of H'ween cards, some acrylic blocks with stamps on them, more papers, tools and miscellany.
Full Frontal
I made this while out with crafty friends last week.  I have lots of H'ween stash--papers, ribbons, stickers, foamies, die cuts, etc. and my goal is to use them this year instead of just admiring them.  More playing like that is on the agenda for this evening if I live through the dreary workday first.

The Fine Print: No kitty pictures today, sorry. Product on the witch card from my stash so no idea who made what but I'm sure if you go out shopping you can find lots of similar lovely wonderful must-have H'ween items to play with, which is why I'm avoiding the craft stores right now.  This girl knows she can't say no.


Unknown said...

Your desk look good. Love that card. happy crafting #1

Neesie said...

There's so much on your desk that I may have to go back and take a closer won't mind will you? ;D
Hearing Halloween is coming really makes me feel all autuminal.
It's a good job I love this time of year :D

Thanks for popping over to my place.
Have a great time desk hopping.
Neesie #86

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I'm a bit OCD when it comes to my beads... I like to keep them in similar tones. I know, I's so inner NERD rears its ugly head, Sigh. But it doesn't half make you feel better to play with the colours.....
So many people have commented about Mr LLJ that his head has swollen and he's become a right old Prima Donna...grin. He's working his way through our old 35mm slides (remember Kodachrome??), digitising them and tidying them up. We have a good reminisce about all our old travels and marvel at how little we've changed in 34 years together...chortle...
Hugs, LLJ 58 xx

trisha too said...

I wish I could spell out for you the sound I made when reading "Mammogram Monday . . ." (Yes, there was laughter involved--it was something along the lines of: "pbbwwwppbbbssseriously she's right about that!"

Princess Judy, glad to see you back in the swing of woyww!


505whimsygirl said...

Hello Princess Judy,

Hmmm, mammogram Monday - well, I'm due for a colonoscopy so would rather have the mammo......

Are you a Breaking Bad fan? I've never watched; it was filmed in New Mexico around Albuquerque. They have a BB tour, BB meth candy at a candy store. Yep, people are cashing in!

Love the Halloween card.

Kay (34)

Helen said...

Mammo Monday doesn't sound much fun... love the desk though, and I hope you get some serious crafty time soon... Believe me I am partial to a Bombay Gin too, now and then, lol- thanks for the visit. Helen 22

Claire Grantham said...

Hi Judy, thanks for swinging by my blog earlier..I love the 'full frontal' view of your desk, so much I want to rummage through! Re: my matching stamp storage...normally I would be all adhoc about it, but Hubby insisted I do it right ONCE and not badly several times...oops! The Halloween card is great, my wedding anniversary is Halloween, so much merriment had making cards for Hubby with witches and pumpkins :) Cx #42

Mary Jo said...

Oh my, don't know if I could handle Mammogram Monday. Once a year is bad enough :) Although like Kay said, better a mammogram than colonoscopy!

Moving on! Anyway, really cute card!
And I used to have a subscription to the magazine. It was one of my favorites for a while :)

Sharon Madson said...

I think I told you last week how much I like your roll top desk with all its cubby holes! Just looks fun! :)
Thanks for sharing.

glitterandglue said...

I too, would much rather have WOYWW than mammogram Monday - can't say I enjoy them at all, but, better than a colonoscopy!! Great desk this morning, Judy - lots there to peep at.
Thanks for stopping by. A tattered teddy - yes, I like that! Thanks.
Have a great week.
Margaret #70

The House of Bears said...

We love your witchy card, and we're glad you shared the Workdesk Wednesday rather than the mammogram monday, all the squeezing, ouch! Not a pretty sight, or a comfortable one either. Thanks for visiting the squeamish bears already today. :)

Neet said...

Go go go Judy - give it some stick as we say over here - get some Halloween goodness done.
Love the card you made - what a lovely face your witch has.
Am surprised your flowers stay together if they keep spilling out with your kitty about.
Thanks for your earlier visit - you ween't around last time I looked - Hugs, Neet 30 xx

Eliza said...

Mammogram Monday no way that is horrible way to start the week. Great Halloween card, I have a really lovely set that I got last year and have never used it, maybe I might get a chance this year, but we don't do Halloween here in Australia.

Eliza & yoda 52

April said...

You had mammogram Monday, too. LOL As always - I admire that rolltop desk. Cute Halloween card, too.
April #115

Lindsay Weirich said...

Is that a roll top desk? I've always loved those! adorable card too! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #8

Robin said...

I LOVE your desk. All those little drawers and bug drawers and a top for even more stuff!!! And a roll-top so you can roll it down and hide everything if you need to. Your Halloween card is so cute and the spider from the witch's hat is too cool! I also noticed that your Tacky Glue is upside down. I keep mine that way too :) Have a great WOYWW week. Rasz #102

ike said...

Very tidy desk !! :-) LUV your little witch card. I have lots of Halloween goodies too that I hoard so you can spur me into action to use them too :-D


IKE in Grecce #49 xxx

Judys Lace Creations said...

I always marvel at your neat desk.I am getting tidier as I get older.I am less busy, and it does feel good to walk into a neat room that's ready to play in.makes it very inviting!!
Judy #18

Anonymous said...

Ya know, after seeing so much Christmas stuff all over blog-land, I am happy to see some Halloween stuff for a change :)

and BTW, love the simple Sympathy card back a post. They can be so hard to design. Yours is a good one.

Happy (now my internet is back) WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)

ria gall said...

Hi Judy
you have a great desk going on for us to poke around today with some lovely crafting stash.
I think your card is brilliant
Have a great day today and a wonderful weekend
Ria #61

Redanne said...

Definitely a Mammogram any day rather than a colonoscopy but would not look forward to either to be honest.... Love the look of your desk, thought it was mine at first! Have not joined in for ages but thank you for your visit, so appreciate it. Hugs, Anne x

Bernice said...

Your desk looks very tidy in comparison to mine at the moment. I like your pink glasses case!
Bernice #21

VonnyK said...

Your full frontal shot got me, I love to drool over your desk. I've always wanted a roll top but there isn't any room left to put one (think I need a bigger house). Love your halloween card and the mess makes me feel right at home.
Have a great week.
Von #44

Rita said...

What a great crafting spot! Don't tell me how Breaking Bad ends. I have to wait till I can rent it. ;) Thanks for visiting!! WOYWW#100

sandra de said...

Great cards and good to hear about others who keep prettttty papers rather than using up the stash. That is a very clean full frontal much better than a mammo monday. Have a lovely week.

Lisa-Jane said...

Such a great card! Also such a shame we don't get on board with Halloween here in the same way because I would love to have a reason to use more stash like that! Hope you don't have to have a mammogram by the way :-(

Spyder said...

Great desk and always busy, love the witchy card, I can't say NO either!!
Happy (late) woyww!?
((Lyn)) #54