Tuesday, April 24, 2012


No Club Scrap stuff today. That's because I opted for housework instead of card making.  I'm sure you are appalled at my decision but you have to understand that the carpet had more fur than the cats and was starting to grow fangs.  And I don't have what I wanted to show you today because I don't know where I put the photos.  So you'll have to settle for a cat:

The Fine Print: Isn't that what life is all about anyway?  Settling for a cat when you'd really rather have fame, fortune, good looks and a swarthy pool boy?  Truly I have no clue on who made these stamps but since you are holding a gun to my head and forcing me to guess I would say Stamps Happen (image) and Endless Creations (greeting).  But I could totally be blowing smoke out my hiney.

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