Are you freaking kidding me?!?!!! !!!
Of course, this isn't somber. This is a party, dudes!!!
This is the third birthday for What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, the most ridiculous of ideas, according to its birth mother, Julia Dunnit. What is WOYWW you ask? It is a chance to go forth into the world and feed your inner voyeur by peeking at craft desks and work spaces. It is a chance to share, be inspired, and see what there is to see.
With no further adieu, here is my desk:
A friend once asked me if I staged my desk before taking a picture for WOYWW. The answer is sort of. I always pick up any wadded up tissues since that's just icky-I might know it is covered in glitter glue, but you my not. I turn over any projects or cards I don't want you to see. I turn over papers with addresses and remove anything that glares like plastic or my water bottle. That is about it. I did clean my desk this time but not because it was WOYWW, but because I was waiting for glitter glue to dry. Here's the glitter glue:
No, really there is glitter glue on them there ATCs. There is also Smooch spray, which I bought and used for the first time ever. I learned that if you glitter glue over Smooch spray it covers up the neat splatter look of the spray. So, live and learn. Plus! Lookie! I finally found my lost blue handled scissors. They have been missing a long time! I have a couple ATCs that I made to share with WOYWW folks, as you see above. Plus I have a small stash of ATCs that I made for other swaps to share. For some reason I used to always make extras for swaps and now I have a pile of them. If you'd like one of my spare ATCs, leave me a comment and I'll send you one.
One last photo before we go. The older than dinosaur poop cat has been following me around ever since I gave him sushi for breakfast. He thinks I spontaneously generate raw fish and he wants to be around the next time it happens.
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Fido the cat |
Hi Judy. I might be too late but I'd love to do a swop - I have spares too :) Yours look divine - mine are, err, pink?!
Like you I turn addresses over and move crumpled paper towel and baby wipes (for fear of folk thinking I've been changing nappies on my desk) - but generally it's just as I left it. I do know one person who 'stages' and it's pretty darned obvious :))
Happy WOYWW - and don't worry if I'm too late for an ATC swop.
hugs, Di xx
I am above you on the WOYWW list so guess I am sharing an ATC with you if I understand correctly! :<) If you would send your hine address to me at I will send one to you. Wishing you a sunshine day!
Barbara Diane
wow, Fido has some awesome orange blue eyes...and your desk is CLEAN! wow! LOVE your ATC's, adorable!! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
Hi Princess Judy,
I love your ATCs! If you still have an extra I'd love to swap with you. Email me at with your address and I'll send you mine.
Kay #138
fab atc's if you have any left i'd love to swap with youjust let me know, happy crafting jill #64
Love wee FIDO... super cute furr-ball.. I dont blame him I would follow you to if you gave me fresh fish....Have a happy week... love the ATC'S Hugs May x x x#4
Hi Thanks for stopping by earlier ! ATC's are looking great - never done one myself but they look fun in a series like you have done.
Suppose I do stage my desk - more to get something on top that shows up in the photo out of the general chaos ! Have a great week ! Ali
Happy 3rd WOYWW!!
Oh, I've enjoyed today so much - I just hope some of the lurrrve vibes reach Julia out in Spain!
Once, our ginger cat Arthur was asleep on his back, mouth open. My DH crept over with a prawn and dropped it in his open mouth. You've never seen a cat wake up so quick in all your life!! He obviously was impressed by his dream in Taste-o-rama!! LOL
Your explanation of the button pinging was very close to the truth - do you KNOW how far buttons can go?? Unbelievably far lemme tell you. I spent most of my time grovelling on the floor - do you want to know about the dust under the spare bed?? Probably not :)
Hugs, LLJ #77 xx
Can't you just tell the obviously staged desks (eh, I think I may have done it a few times but for a reason) mostly mine is warts and all.
I would love to swap an ATC with you they look very Arizonian (is that a word)... mine are very british,
janet #43
When I saw your title SOMBER!!! I laughed..yeah right your like a little trickster!!! Nice clean desk and great ATC's..Have a great WOYWW and thanks for stopping by.
Hi Judy, loving the sanguaro ATC reminds me of my last visit to the USA nearly 20 years ago! BJ#35
What a great desk to sit at, and how fabulous are your atc's! Helen, 8
Happy WOYWW 3rd Anniversary Carol!
Oh Judy, I love that picture of Fido, he looks real menacing, but I’m sure he’s not.
My BoJangles follows me around hoping for food all the time….and it doesn’t have to be fresh fish….he would eat all day long if I let him, the little piggy.
Have a great week and…….
Happy Crafting!
I do confess to a slight tidy up before some posts. But lately the odd items found on my desk just have to be recorded. Your kitty is gorgeous. Please send me your address as I would love to swap an atc with you. email me on
Love your ATC's, I've run out so can't swap now.
Happy 3rd anniversary and have a great week.
Von #20
Wow! loving the ATC's great design! Happy WoYwW 3rd Anniversary! and here's to many more :o) April #93 x
Hi there Judy, Thanks so much for popping over and am chuckling my way through the comments above which your great post has generated - WOYWW really is fun isn't it - and so agree with the puss comments, they do have natures all their own, cats - I am slack and made not atc's so save your for some who is not bad like me.. but a very happy 3rd birthday of WOYWW! thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz. x #30
It's almost worth tidying your desk to find a pair of scissors - that must have been one heck of an untidy one to miss those. I can't be bothered staging a desk, like you I may move things I don't want folk to see but I usually forget and yes, I do usually work in the mess that's on there on Wednesdays.
I have spare ATCs going if you still want to swap, email me at
Ann B
Can you blame Fido, I would follow you around to if you gave me Sushi for breakfast LOL
Your ATC's are really nice thanks for sharing, I'm not joining in the swap I just can't.
Eliza #140
Can you blame Fido, I would follow you around to if you gave me Sushi for breakfast LOL
Your ATC's are really nice thanks for sharing, I'm not joining in the swap I just can't.
Eliza #140
Love your ATCs. Fido looks quite wild wild, too ;)
Happy belated 3rd WOYWW anniversary!
Tuire #17
You are very welcome to the kind of day shown in my first photo. It was freezing and blowing a real gale - just ready to cut your head off. The following morning we woke up to heatstroke weather - no half measures. I love your tidy desk. Mine is still covered with what I was doing before we went away, with a few things added. Have a good week. xx Maggie #99
Hi there judy....I don't tidy my desk for my photo...just shoot away and you can see the mess...must admit one or two comments on my previous post were rather strange..
Anyway...i decided that i would like to send you an ATC...please sent me your address...I see you are in that not TIM holtz country?? your tidy desk and your cats beautiful eyes!!
Hiya Judy, I've got a little behind (I wish) a long day at work today and big bust up with my DD means I have only just crafted myself into a good enough mood to go bloghopping. Have plenty of ATCs so would love to swap - any style preferences? Your cacti are a hoot and the desk is very neat looking. My photos vary from slightly staged to what the heck just take a photo. Will email you my addy. Cindy x
WOW, that's one spooky eyed cat! But awfully cute, all the same! When I take a pic of my desk, if there's a boring blank bit, I just swoosh everything a bit closer together like. (After all my "desk" actually takes up a large amount of kitchen counter. Don't tell anyone else though.)
Happy 3rd WOYWW Anniversary!
RosA #22
What a neat workspace! I really like your desk! looks like a cool place to be creative! Like your ATC's. I love it when I find something that has been lost. Glad you found your scissors! Your story of your cat made me laugh! He looks like a big kitty! Thanks so much for visiting my workdesk and leaving a comment!
Hi there Princess, I do enjoy reading your blog - you are great with words and I always spend ore time than allowed reading up on your past posts too. Just 'cos I love reading your blog.
Fab atc's you have made - guess I am too late - ah well, never mind.
Happy Blogaversary - Hugs, Neet #15 xx (late because she had a shed load of visitors yesterday)
nice desk! Love the ATC and would like to swap but you have probably all ready traded out since I am so late getting around! Sorry I am so late getting by but figured better late then never!! Happy 3rd Anniversary of WOYWW! Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Vickie #178
Hi Judy thanks for popping in to see me. I can almost feel some of that hot Arizona sun - well I can dream anyway!! We had a couple of days of summer sun and then grey again in time for the Jubilee long weekend. Just mention the word Bank Holiday in the Uk and the sun does a moon light flit!! Belated Happy WOYWW Birthday to you, Helen
Hi Judy, Still want your desk lol.Luvin your ATCs, with the little scorpion they really do have the feel of the desert.I also love Fido the cat, though he does look a bit grumpy, think you may have spoilt him with the sushi.
I would love to swap ATCs with you I will email you my details.
Have a great weekend
Lottie x #167
Your ATCs look fantastic!!
Great shot of your desk! Love that you have Princees Judy spelled out in alphabet blocks on the top! Your ATCs are fabulous!
Hee hee, made me giggle about your cat thinking you "spontaneously" generate raw fish!
xoxo Karen
ps glad you found your scissors!!!!
Love your ATC's,very southwestern! Have a great week. Barb #121
Hello, I am more than a little late, but I enjoyed browsing your awesome card work before stopping here to comment.
Your desk is a tidy one and I love the ATC's you are making.
Your Kat Tale made me smile too.
Keep smiling and creating and thanks for popping by earlier.
I have to admit to "staging" my desk on occasion - I always try and tidy away things with addresses on, and anything too disgusting looking lol! I like to include things I've done earlier in the week, too, like the odd drawing, but usually it's pretty much as is.
I adore your cactus ATCs! A lovely wild west theme! Also the beautiful kitty with his glowing eyes!!
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. I'm so glad you like La Bella. I think true zentangles really are doodles but although I did those for a bit, it soon ceased to satisfy me, and I see the patterns as a means to an end, not an end in themselves, and feel much more drawn to what they call ZIA - Zentangle-Inspired Art!
Glad you like my friend's card as well. I was very pleased with how it turned out, and the little box I made for her too. Using Stickles for flower centres has become a sort of trade mark for me - possibly because I'm too lazy to do anything else! They add a bit of bling and finish off the flowers nicely, I always think.
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #60
OK, those ATCs are adorable. I can't really see the glitter, but that means it didn't get on ME, either.
Bleubeard is jealous of the poop cat. He wants sushi now!!
Thanks for always visiting me. Happy very belated 3rd Anniversary from #2.
What a great desk you ATC's are super. I have no collection and had to quickly make one for the swap, I have to admit the snake in a later post left me a bit shivery. Your cat is so cute it made me laugh about the raw fish. Laura
lol @spontaneously generating/distributing raw fish! Your desk does look fairly tidy this time around, but I know what you mean about waiting on something like glitter to want to be there when it happens but like water not boiling if its watched you have to do something else, hence a tidy up is in order, right? :) Well, thanks for stopping by my desk and blog, and I replied to your comment/questions on there, too, but I'll also let you know here the thrift shop had a bigger Swingline and if you want it I'll go back to see if they still have it. Just shoot me an email:
~Deeyll #179
Oooh your desk looks so tidy and organised! :lol:
Thanks for your comment on my blog - your ATC is on its way! :D
Happy WOYWW anniversary!
Ali #86
Well done for finding your scissors. I hate losing my favourite tools and it is always the favs that get lost! Your cards you have shown since Wednesday are fab but not keen on the snakey man though!
Your cat looks a lickle peeved at his photo being taken!
Thanks for your visit! xx
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