The Desk. With Charles. |
It's that time for the greatest blog hop on earth--
What's on Your Workdesk Wednesay--where we all dash about to look at each others desks and crafting projects and babble inanely (maybe that last part is just me). In
last week's WOYWW post I asked a question about what you would do with your crafting stash if you were given a set time to live. Most of you had plans to give your crafting stuff to those who would love and appreciate it. The thought was two-fold--make sure it had a good home and keep those left behind from having to deal with it. It's a nice sentiment and all, but not for me. See my hubby wouldn't part with a single thing to make life easier for me.
The Man Cave. With Man. |
So why should I part with a single thing to make it easier for him? Plus, he plans to use my crafting stash to lure in a new wife. If I had a set time frame to live it would be in my husband's best interest if I went out and bought more! I could invest in something really special like say the entire line of Tattered Lace dies so he could lure in a quality wife once I was gone.
Anyway, I cleaned off the desk in disgust because I have many UFOs (unfinished objects) stacked up on my desk. They've been piled on my desk for a long time now and I need to finish them and move on. One thing is embarrassingly from last August and they date through then to some current things from last week. My goal is to complete these items before moving on to anything else. We'll see about that!
The Fine Print: The goal to finish these off is happening! These pictures are from last night and this morning I finished off all the cards with the feathers on them. Maybe I should work on that thing from August next...
I spy your Kitty!!! They hate to be left out, don't they?? Good luck with finishing off your projects! Had to laugh at the man cave comments!!!
Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #5
hee hee hee you crack me up :) lure in a new wife... I will have to keep that one in mind to share with him as part of the instructions to not have a bon fire... and I love that your kitty decided to be a model for your desk shot and I think we all have UFO
's :) ~Stacy #65
Oh I won't tell my husband that one, so funny, my DIL already has designs on mine, when we were over with them last Year she said she'd love to craft but work and kids get in the way so I said I'd leave all my stash to her when I've gone, glad to hear were not the only family that joke about these things.
Mmmm... to be honest I think my husband would sell everything on EBay and then become a Ski Bum so you are probably right the more we buy, the better off they would be Lol! Have a great week and thanks for the visit, Angela x 35
You have lovely projects waiting to be finished.
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.
Sue #61
Lure a new wife? That's SO funny! My husband never thought of that one. I often find him trying to wheel my goods away right under my nose!
Again you are doing me the power of good, Judy! Another huuuuge laugh! The idea of luring in a new quality wife with all your stash! ROFLROFLROFL!!!!! However, if the roles were reversed, I'm not sure that particular man cave would lure in a new quality hubby... My hubby has 3 man caves. Well, he's greedy. The biggest one is a vast double garage, in which he has graciously granted me permission to park my buggy (one corner only). I have to say I dread being left to deal with all his stuff... A new hubby would have to be of extraordinary quality to deal with that lot! I told him about your porn buddy idea and he said he'd be horrified if I died and he went into my ARTHaven and found the place bare! Still, I'm not sure he'd cope with it all. I think he was feeling a bit overwhelmed last week with the flood of RUBs invading the house...
Thanks for keeping me cheerful during this weird unsettling limbo period I am enduring at present! You are always good for a laugh!
So glad you like my Indian-influenced embroidery. I adore Indian textiles - best in the world! I am sorry to say that I am laid up on the recliner this p.m. as what little get up and go I had, got up and went, so your exacting standards for my embroidery performance (dancing around the room while doing it) cannot be met today. I can't even manage a slow foxtrot, let alone a quick shi-sha, sha, sha, sha!
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #48
Yeah, I see the point. The thought of dealing with all his stuff in the basement has me thinking of just hiring a dumpster, lol. And I can't imagine wanting to lure in a new hubby at this point in my life, no thanks.
Thanks for visiting my blog earlier and for the comments.
Happy creating and happy woyww,
Sandy #24
There would be no problem there. Dear wife would be in here selling off all of the geeky things and putting barb wire fences up around the craft things. LOL. Would not be surprised if there was an armed guard involved. LOL. Tooooo funny. - Jim
well, that's the best excuse I've ever heard for justifying new stash spending - the fact that it'll be a good lure for your husband's second wife. How creative is that?! I'll have to try that on my hubster, lol!
And I have a project that is unfinished from 18 months ago (because I hate it, I can't bear to pick it up again...). So there!
Hugs, LLJ 20 xx
My daughter has nightmares about what to do if her mother-in-law (Shaz Silverwolf) and I died at the same time. Although she is a talented crafter herself, she does not have the space to take it all in, so it will be spread around other family and friends, going to those who will appreciate it. My paper crafting things are mainly finished, although I do have several cross stitch projects in progress. Maybe this is the year to finish at least some of them. Thank you for your visit and kind comments. Have a good week. xx Maggie #29
Looks like some fun projects will be coming soon! I love that horse image on your desk, can't wait to see it all finished up!
Well, Princess, there are some beautiful images on your desk waiting to be turned into cards and things. Have fun!
As for your man - I think I would shoot him first and then get a handsome toy boy in who would buy me lots more stuff.
Hugs, Neet 1 (with a very sore finger preventing her typing properly)
I love your post and your photos! Made me smile! Wishing you a happy week of creating!
Barbara Diane
I wouldn't worry about the UFO's I have some that date back many years, one day i will get around to finishing them. Love Charles? in the photo, cheeky puddy he is give him a scratch from me. Yoda sends paw waves to you. What a brilliant excuse to purchase more stuff, I would send him bankrupt if he was my husband with an attitude like that. Just think of all the fun you could have. LOL
Hugs Eliza & Yoda
Happy WOYWW 45
Oh my goodness Girlie.... You MAKE ME LAUGH! I am soooo going to share the Wife Catching advice with my hubby... and ABSOLUTELY use it as a reason to get more stuff and the REALLY GOOD STUFF! Thanks for popping into space this week... I am so looking forward to seeing you again next week!
You are too funny, PJ! And how nice to see the fine figure of the man who is already thinking of the lures he would use. You are very considerate to think of W2 when purchasing your craft supplies! I think I'm gonna use that excuse myself from now on, lest the Playhouse itself isn't lure enough. (What a tart she would be if that WEREN'T enough, eh?!)
Any whistle, fun post! Love the clean desk, of course! I see snowman's two buddies, and high tens on making all those schweet CAS feather cards!! (BTW, my doodads-to-make-into-cards box dates back to the last century so don't be too hard on yourself!!) Hugs, DJ
You go girl!!!! YOUR DESK is sooooo tidy!!!! Oh my word you should have seen my mess this morning after my marathon work of yesterday....oh and just to be clear, the marathon part was how long I sat at the desk BUT not how many things I finished. I only completed 2 projects. Sigh. Is there anyone out there slower than me? Probably not. I am so glad you had the chance to play along WOYWW. I haven't had the chance in awhile. :(
OMGoodness I am just making it so easy for my DH and here was I thinking I needed to stop buying stuff. You are a scream. Love the kitty too.
sandra de @47
Oh, Judy - you always make me laugh - thank you! Amazing picture in my mind of hubby standing in the front garden with a megaphone calling all wives-to-be, as he announces what craft things he has as the lure. Maybe something attached to a long fishing line would just complete the picture??!
UFOs - have lots of them. Each January I make a new list of things I hope to do in the next 12 months.... hmmm!...list just gets longer each year. Never fear, though - it's Schubert's fault we have UFOs anyway - HE left a whole unfinished symphony - not just the odd card or book!!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #33
Oh my goodness... the man cave looks like a place I could hang out too all day... You made me smile with your funny post! Good luck with finishing the UFOs and thanks for the visit to my blog earlier. Happy (belated) woyww and enjoy the weekend! Marit #39
Hi Charles! lol I've got a desk kitty too :) And usually I use the week after Christmas to clean up all my crafty UFOs but since I only then put away my Halloween stuff...maybe around Easter I'll get to it?
Bwahahahahaha! August. I love you.
LOL - funny post! Love the fact that the man in the man cave is sporting an Iron Maiden t-shirt. You can tell him that one of your crafting buddies is also a fan, and she went to the same high school as Steve Harris (many years apart though, unfortunately).
Love your space!
Oh you made me giggle! What a funny story. That man cave is something else. I'd love a man cave like that! (And I'm a woman). In fact, we are going to have something similar in our new house (without the telly as we don't have one).
Well done you for doing those feather cards! I like the 'pile' with the snow men and the very interesting howling wolf.
Have a good week, hope the weather isn't too bad,
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