And to that the reply always is, "Oh."
That's it. Just "oh."
And I can't say I blame them because where do you go from there? You can't have a lively discussion about economics because that's an oxymoron and who the heck knows anything about economics except for, you know, those people. And who wants to be associated with those people?!
Sorry folks but my job, the one that pays the bills and buys the stamps, won't give me a raise for taking a class in stair-step cut cards or fanciful folds for fanciful cards. And such a shame too, because I'd be a much better employee if those were on the menu. But alas, I get to take dull classes like economics that put me into a stupor and ruins any creativity I may have.
Since all work and no play make something something I do sneak away once in awhile to play. Luckily for me I know some Stampin' Up consultants who will think up the card and do most of the prep work for me so all I can do is create (and buy. lots. which stimulates the economy. which is a good thing. maybe. actually this has not been discussed in my class. and now you know why it is so boring.).
The Fine Print: Yep, since I made these at a Stampin' Up workshop I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that every last thing on these cards is by Stampin' Up. Yep. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Oh and that paper that looks like a page from a book? It is patterned paper by SU. I know that because I asked.