Whaddya know?! Here's another day and I failed to plan ahead to have stuff to show you. Luckily I have my stash of things from the past. I recently shared this paper bag book with an on-line stamp club since we're planning a paper bag book swap. This PB book has such an inspiring history that I thought I'd share the book and the story with you.
Front Cover |
I'd often heard of this stamp club that met in my town but never could pin down where or when it met. I started suspecting that there was a secret handshake or a code word and without those, you were not worthy to enter. Then one day while at a card class at a local store (long since closed) a lovely lady invited me to this stamp club. I was excited. I was finally in!
First two pages |
At my first meeting, I was pleasantly surprised at how many of the ladies I already knew from the stamp stores, classes, and local crafting gigs. One lady stood up and announced she would be teaching a free paper bag book class at the next meeting. That really cemented it for me, I would be coming back! She showed a sample and told us to bring a stapler, adhesive and scissors. I was so tickled. I'd had such a great time at this group and now I had this great project to look forward to next month!
Inserts between the pages (put in the sack opening) |
Even though we were told we didn't need anything beyond scissors, glue and the stapler, I learned from that first meeting that it wasn't a bad idea to bring some other stuff along for the project. I gathered up some ribbon, stickers, brads, and flower punches. I was so excited! A paper bag book class!
Next two pages |
The meeting came and true to her word, the lady did a PB book class. We all got two white lunch sacks (white! we ranked WHITE bags!) and a selection of papers, ribbons, die cuts, and doo dads to put our book together with.
Next inserts |
The ladies in the group and I had so much fun! I was asked repeatedly how I knew "what else" to bring and I said I just guessed based on the sample we had been showed. I shared my goodies with my new friends and again, great times were had by all.
Third page spread |
One thing I've learned about myself is that if I don't finish a project in class I need to finish it up as soon as I get home otherwise it will never get done. But this project got completed in class! Folks hung out and played even after the official meeting ended. It was such an enjoyable time. I joined the club and became a faithful member, minus the time there was a confusion about what date we met.
The back cover |
One thing lead to another and eventually the group leader decided to step down. She asked someone she felt had the energy, the competence and the insanity to keep it running. That person was me. I was truly honored but did insist on an equally competent, energetic and insane co-captain. The group is both a joy and a pain to me (probably like children). I always try to remember the thrill and excitement of my first few meetings and the projects we made and hope I can give that to the members.
Whew, all that from a couple of lunch sacks! Who have thunk!?!
The Fine Print: Extreme kudos to Dianne D'Arriel for showing me the secret handshake and giving me the code word. Special thanks go out to Peggy Nelson for her generosity and talent and teaching me the thrill the paper bags. A shout out to Malana Corn and I hope you still think I'm worthy to fill your shoes. Huge, huge thanks to Cathy Gray for agreeing to be my partner in crime in this venture. And to all the ladies and gentlemen who make up SALSA it couldn't happen without all of you!
Well I am not surprised you were asked, I can imagine you are a very enthusiastic person and just right to lead a club. I do envy you, I would love to meet up regularly with some like minded souls - like you I suspect that it must go on (we have a HUGE craft store half a mile away which is always busy so trust me, someone, somewhere is crafting) but I haven't found the magic handshake yet either. Cool paper bag book by the way.
What a fantastic project! I love all those colorful squares in your dsp! I'm glad the secret stamping society finally let you in!!
Ooh, now I suspect you have the perfect levels of insanity to lead such a group hun, lol! Love the PB Book - fancy doing a tutorial for us? Hugs Sxx
Well this post certainly brightened up my dull as dishwater day! Thanks PJ xxx
Hi Judy!
Your crafty group sounds fabulous and you sound like just the right person to lead the group on :) I love this PB book......I have'nt made one of these for ages. Love the bright fun papers x
So glad you found and purchased the die too....I'm sure you'll LOVE it :)
Jenny xx
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